Present: Mr B Allen, Mr D Aldridge, Mr L Cammack, Mr S Jackson (Chairman), Mr A Leary, Ms S Masheder, Mr B McClymont, Mr G Thompson, Mr B Wright CC Mrs M Dobson Miss S Tomlinson – Clerk & RFO 1, Apologies for Absence: None 2, Declarations of Interest: None 2, Minutes of the last meeting held 11.12.2013 Mr Jackson read out a suggested amendment to the any other business section of the minutes to the councilors. It was agreed that this section be amended by the Clerk. Mrs Dobson also made her apologies for December’s meeting, held on the 11th December 2013, and requested that this be recorded in the minutes. The minutes were approved with these amendments. Proposed by Mr Aldridge and seconded by Mr Allen. 3, Matters arising from the last meeting: A, The Village website had now been updated. B, The Clerk had submitted the proposed precept for 2014/15 to Kelham Hall before Christmas as discussed. C, Mr Jackson had had numerous conversations regarding the request to fell certain trees. He had consulted with a tree officer for advice. The trees were not damaged or dangerous removal of the trees would not be permitted. D, Mr Thompson asked the Clerk to report on the progress made regarding the grant for goal posts for the jubilee field. The clerk had contacted the relevant body and was awaiting a response. 4. Accounts for approval: A, The Accounts were presented to the councilors; as previously discussed during the Finance Committee meeting. These were approved. It was proposed by Mr Cammack and seconded by Mr Wright. B, Invoices approved Mr R Smith (Uxello) – Annual Website hosting £144 5. Planning: A, A representative of the Parish Council had been invited to attend a meeting to discuss the possibility of Wind turbines in the area. Mr Aldridge would attend this meeting on Monday 20th January and report back. B, The council had received plans for an extension to the Langford Quarry. The Plans had been previously circulated. Mr Aldridge had written a response to these plans, expressing concern that the extension would cause loss of agricultural land. 6. Correspondence: A, An application to join ‘The Best Kept Village’ competition 2014 had been received. It was discussed and as the entry fee would be less than £10 we would enter. The clerk would return the application form and give further details in February’s meeting. This would then be advertised on the website and in focal point. 7. Any other business: A, RCAN – Neighbour hood scheme. A survey had been received – the clerk would complete this and return. B, A thank you letter was received from the Young Farmers for the grant received following their work at the village bonfire. C, It was reported that there would be a meeting to discuss the future of the Youth Club. This would be held on the 22nd January. The outcome of which would be reported back to the February meeting of the Parish Council. D, It had been noticed that there was insuffiencient signage for the school as you drive through the village. Mrs Dobson would look into this. Meeting closed: 9.00PM The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 20th February 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.