Present: Mr D Aldridge, Mr S Jackson (Chairman), Mr L Cammack, Ms S Masheder, Mr B McClymont, Mr B Wright CC Mrs M Dobson Miss S Tomlinson – Clerk & RFO Public attendance – Several Langford Parishioners 1, Apologies for Absence: Mr B Allen – Work Commitments Mr A Leary – Work Commitments Mr G Thompson – Work Commitments Noted and accepted 2, Declarations of Interest: None 2, Receive and accept minutes of the last meeting held 20.02.2014 The minutes of the last parish Council meeting had been previously circulated. No amendments were made. Minutes accepted. Proposed by Mr Aldridge and seconded by Mr Wright. 3, Matters arising from the last meeting: A, The Best Kept Village competition – application submitted. B, The Clerk had written to the Newark Advertiser regarding the overpayment made. No response had been received at this time. The Clerk would update the Parish Council in due course. C, There was to be a second Youth Club meeting. This was being held on Thursday 20th March. Mrs Dobson and Mr Cammack were excused from the Parish council meeting early to enable them to be present at the Youth Club meeting. D, Mr Jackson reported that the Community Centre may be interested in supporting the playground inspection training. It was also suggested that Mr Lyne may wish to attend to enable him carry out the village and community centre safety inspections. E, Following reports made regarding the dog waste bins. Mr Jackson had arranged for two of the waste bins currently located on Pocklington Crescent to be relocated to more suitable locations. One has been moved the Gainsborough Road, Woodlands entrance. The second would be moved to the entrance gate to the Community Centre. It was hoped that this would be at no cost to the Parish Council. 4. Accounts for approval: A. There were no invoices for approval. B, It was requested that the parish Council Savings Account, currently dormant, be used as a festival savings account. The clerk would transfer the £931, currently held in the Parish Council current account to the new account. This would give further clarity to the accounts. The monthly accounts had been circulated, these were approved. Proposed by Mr Aldridge, seconded by Ms Masheder. 5. Planning: A, A group of Langford residents had attended the meeting to hand Mrs Dobson a petition against a possible planning application for a wind turbine in the village. No planning application had yet been made however the residents had received a letter from the developers informing them that this may be submitted in the near future. B, A decision notice had been received in respect of MC Bro’s Langford 6. Correspondence: A, The clerk had received an email regarding parking problems on Thoroughfare Lane, Winthorpe. It was reported that vehicles had been parking along the lane which had blocked the resident’s access. It was also noted that vehicles parking along the lane would also hinder emergency services if they were needed at the school. The clerk would write to the school and ask for suggestions of a possible solution to this parking problem. 7. Any other business: A, It was reported that two of the street lights along Gainsborough Road were not currently working. These would be reported to the County Council. B, A meeting would be held on the 31st March at 1pm to discuss the possibility of having a library service in the village. This would be run by volunteers. Anyone wishing to volunteer was invited to attend. Meeting closed: 9.10PM The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 17th April 2014 at 7.30pm or upon the rising of the finance committee meeting at 7pm in the Village Hall.